Category Archives: Love Lessons

love lesson 100

Finding Love: People tend to have walls up because of past hurts or rejection. Don’t let this become a crutch or hindrance  to your ability to love again. Open your heart if love is knocking, you never know what you’ll finding waiting for you!

love lesson 99

Loving God: Psalm 19: 3 says “There is no speech, nor are there words, whose voice is not heard.” God knows and hears our individual voices. When was the last time you talked to Him? Does He miss your voice?

love lesson 98

Finding Love: Ladies, it’s much easier to submit to a man who is truly submitted to God. Guys, It will be easier for her to submit to you if she’s really submitted to God and you are too!

love lesson 97

Loving God: Walking in humility means recognizing that you’re in submission to God!