A New Year

12 years ago
Happy New year people! Our subject today? How big is God’s dream for you? Luke 1:26-38…. In this passage of scripture, an Angel of the Lord appears to Mary & tells her she’s been chosen by God to fulfill that which had been prophesied over the years! She probably wasn’t popular, just a virgin girl going about her business, getting ready to get married. She probably thought she was just going to …marry Joseph & have 2 or 3 children but God had great plans for her. She was going to be the mother of the savior of the world! She could’ve allowed her doubts, fears or whatever inadequacy she felt to keep her from walking in her God-ordained destiny but instead she simply said “Be it unto me according to your word” She didn’t run out & blab it to everyone or try to make it happen for herself either. She waited for God’s timing.  How big is God’s dream for you? Are you willing to walk in it in spite of your fears, doubts, discouragement, heartbreak, loneliness or any ridicule you may face? Are you willing to let God bring His word to pass in your life in due season or do you want to go out there & help Him out like Abraham did with Hagar & ended up with Ishmael? Are you willing to lay down some of your self appointed dreams to walk in God’s dream for you? God’s dream for you is bigger than any dream you could have for yourself! Accept His word to you & be prepared to walk in the fullness of it! My prayer for 2013 is  Mary’s response! Lord, be it unto me according to your word! May this be our prayer for 2013 & beyond! Happy New year y’all & may Your God given dreams that were rooted in 2012 begin to flourish in 2013! At this time, I’d also like to thank you all for your support of my venture as an author! Surely the best is yet to come! love y’all!
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