Blog - Dr. Ngozi M. Obi

Love Lesson 1

Reading a man’s body language to determine what’s really in his heart! 1) If you’re the 1 holding on to his arm as you walk together, he’s not ready to commit! 2) If he takes your hand & holds it as you walk together, then he’s warming up to you![…]
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A New year’s word from the Lord

my daily affirmation for 2013…”Be it unto me according to your word, O Lord”…notice I didn’t say according to man’s word but God’s word! Somebody better do a praise dance with me right there! I just heard the Lord say some of u have not seen progress b/c you’ve allowed[…]
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A New Year

Happy New year people! Our subject today? How big is God’s dream for you? Luke 1:26-38…. In this passage of scripture, an Angel of the Lord appears to Mary & tells her she’s been chosen by God to fulfill that which had been prophesied over the years! She probably wasn’t[…]
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Love Lesson 15