The Deception of fame

10 years ago

Happy Sunday y’all! I was watching a commercial the other day, not really sure what they were advertising but all I know was there were a bunch of celebrities and the big caption was “Let your favorite celebrity inspire you to change the world” or something like that. It made me wonder why we need celebrities to inspire us to change the world, shouldn’t human need alone be the inspiration for this type of change? As I pondered more on this, a recollection of something written in the media about what happened at the hospital when Beyoncé supposedly gave birth to her daughter came to mind. I hear she has now admitted that she really didn’t give birth to said daughter herself. I wonder if that was what they were really hiding. Apparently, the entire unit was blocked off and some parents couldn’t reach their premature babies. Why should someone’s celebrity or financial status take precedence over a parent’s right to see their baby? What Beyoncé should’ve done is use that as an opportunity to connect with other women with fertility issues instead of feeding lies to her fans. It probably would’ve humanized her persona a bit more. I can’t say I was a fan of hers to begin with but it made me really not want to be a fan of hers. All of this and so much more really got me thinking about our obsession as a society with fame and famous people and the sensationalism and deception that goes with it.

I’ve found that most celebrities aren’t necessarily happier than those that aren’t. Most of them are busy searching for ways to remain relevant and sadly the fans they’re making money of off have no clue. They just eat up whatever the famous feed them without question. Something is wrong with that. The worst part is things are going wrong in our society and we wonder why. Seriously, how can we hold depravity in high esteem and expect any thing different. It’s even gotten into the church, somehow someone’s celebrity status is of more importance than preaching the uncompromised word of God. Jesus doesn’t need a celebrity to make Him popular. God could care less about somebody’s fame. John 12:32 tells us that “If Jesus be lifted up, He’ll draw all men (people) to himself. Jesus is the only one that should have any prominence in the body of Christ.

I wrote a blog the other day on Black lives: our responsibility, expecting a barrage of comments yielding to an open discussion of what we all needed to do to fix what’s going on in our black community. I only got a hand full of comments and primarily from family members, for which I am grateful. I’d honestly like to think people are at least thinking about the subject even if they didn’t respond. Although, I can’t say I’m surprised at the response. I bet if I’d written about sex or some sort of hot celebrity gossip, the outcome would be different. Maybe if I’d organized a march with lots of celebrities and cameras present to capture the action, droves of people would be ready to come out in support perhaps more for an opportunity of a celebrity sighting or the slight chance they’d be captured on camera and thus attain their moment of fame or recognition. I’m sure my blog would’ve gone viral if some celebrity had responded and given credence to it. Trust me, I’m not angry that people didn’t respond like I’d hoped but it got me thinking even more about this topic. Why do people not respond to a call of action unless a celebrity or an opportunity to be in the media is involved? Are we really that fickle? What about personal responsibility? I don’t have all the answers yet and maybe I need to delve back into my studies in sociology as an undergraduate student to help me answer some of my own questions.

I was watching a show with a friend a while back and a celebrity on the show said something catchy. Immediately my friend said “that’s on point, that was good” I was sitting there thinking “They really didn’t say anything profound, yeah it was a catchy phrase but it lacked substance.” When my friend noticed I wasn’t as excited as they were about what was said, they asked what was wrong? I verbalized my thoughts. I went further to break down what was said and even after my friend realized the phrase lacked substance, they tried to convince me that the phrase was catchy enough not to need substance. Seriously? This scenario proves my point about how our culture promotes following fame and famous people blindly without thinking for ourselves. It’s called sensationalism.

Thankfully, I’ve never been star struck but like many, I tend to watch them on television and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve sat down to watch something I thought was going to be mind blowing from a celebrity, only to feel like whatever they said lacked substance. Don’t get me wrong, my intention isn’t to bash celebrities or those in the public eye. I’m sure all of them don’t lack substance even though it seems majority of them do. My true intention is to make us more aware of what we’re allowing to happen in our society by following blindly just because someone popular gives credence to it and thus glamorizing that lifestyle. As if only what the popular deem to be relevant is relevant, that my friends, is the deception of fame.

We all have an obligation to make the world we live in a better place by fulfilling our individual destinies. This may or may not include fame. We’re all destined to be great. If we pursue purpose instead of fame, destiny is the result and honestly, greatness, purpose and destiny leaves a legacy that far out lasts fame. Your name in lights shouldn’t mean you’re suddenly better than the next person or that your opinions supersedes that of everyone else. It should actually be a tool used to bring people together and effect change for the good of all rather than a way to promote personal agenda and whims. I could go on and on about the subject but I think you all get my drift.

1 Peter 1:24New International Version (NIV)

24 For,

“All people are like grass,
    and all their glory is like the flowers of the field;
the grass withers and the flowers fall.

I know the above scripture refers to how fickle life is but I believe it can also refer to the rise and fall of fame. No one lives forever and contrary to popular belief, neither does fame. At some point, it fades. So, If God gives you the opportunity to be in the limelight, use it for good, not for bad. Use it as an opportunity to lift someone else up, not as an opportunity to make sure they don’t make it to your level. Don’t look down on anyone that’s not in the limelight. For everyone else, seek your God given purpose and destiny. Practice being great in whatever you’re currently doing and if God’s will is for you to be in the limelight, the right doors will open and when you get there use it for good. For me personally, I’d rather be part of the hall of faith than the hall of fame!



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