Blog - Dr. Ngozi M. Obi

Plight of successful single black women

The plight of successful single black women; Are we doomed to singleness or settling for less in relationships? I have to admit I’ve been thinking about this topic for a while and finally decided to explore it because of what I’ve seen & heard in the media lately.  For example, there’s been[…]
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January Health Challenge

Happy January! By now most of the holiday goodies are gone and everyone is making new year’s resolutions about getting in shape. The sad part about New year’s resolutions is that they’re usually abandoned by the end of the month mostly because people don’t see immediate results. I honestly believe[…]
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love lesson 156

Outward success doesn’t always translate into inward success, they are somewhat mutually exclusive. Strive to obtain both as it will give you balance in life but if you had to choose one over the other, choose to be inwardly successful because at some point it will lead to success outwardly for all[…]
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2014 — The year of Renewed Hope

I don’t know about you guys but 2013 was a year of mixed emotions for me. I had so many hopes with none of them realized, instead the year took me on an emotional roller coaster. I could go into details about all that happened to me in 2013 but[…]
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