Blog - Dr. Ngozi M. Obi

love lesson 57

loving others: Be a person of your word, especially when others are depending on you; and even when they’re not! Have a throw down Thursday y’all!

love lesson 56

loving others: Always be kind to people, even those you don’t know! Hebrews 13:2 says Don’t forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it!

love lesson 55

loving others: Never allow money or power to change you to the point were you perceive others as less than you. Money and power should be used as tools to help people, not oppress them!

March Weight Loss Challenge

Good morning good people! We’ll resume love lessons tomorrow! We’re talking health this morning! DISCLAIMER: Please consult your physician or personal healthcare professional before adhering to any health suggestions written here. As you guys know, I did a water challenge last month where the only beverage allowed was water and[…]
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